We Are: We
handle everything on site and By Appointment Only.
Live recording sessions on location
at your site:
The Final Video Production:
delivered to you in DVD and/or VHS Standard Play format for the ultimate in
cross-platform compatibility. Audio memories created from/with
The Final Audio Production:
delivered to you in CD and/or Standard Audio Cassette format for the ultimate
in cross-platform compatibility. Federal Law Prohibits unauthorized
duplications of copyrighted Media. MOBERG PRODUCTIONS Will Not duplicate any Audio and/or Video production(s) that are copyrighted, without written permeation from the copyright owner(s).
We Charge: All productions will have added to the final
production(s) cost. There is a $50.00
set-up fee with a starting session price of $700.00 for: Weddings,
and Conferences. Additional
Secondary Location Site Price of $30.00. There is a $35.00
set-up fee with a starting session price of $40.00 for: Parties,
Recitals, Funerals, Class Reunions, School Programs, and Church Functions.
There is a $35.00 set-up fee plus $0.15 per Foot for
Converting from: 8mm Film, Super 8mm Film, & 16mm
There is a $35.00 set-up fee plus $0.45 per Slide and/or
Photograph for convertion.
There is a $10.00 set-up fee plus $1.50 per print for
Video Printing.
There is a $5.00 set-up fee plus $20.00 each for
DVD Disc or VHS Tape conversion from:
VHS Video Tape, VHSc Video Tape, SuperVHS Video
Tape, World Wide VHS Video Tape, 8mm Video Tape,
Hi8mm Video Tape, Mini DV Video Tape, Betamax II &
Betamax III Video Tape, DVD Video Disc.
There is a $5.00 set-up fee plus $20.00 each for
Converting from: Standard Audio Cassette Tape, Mini
Audio Cassette Tape, Vinyl Records (33rpm, 45rpm,
78rpm), CD Music Disc, CD Audio Disc, Reel to Reel
Audio Tape (price varies on reel to reel audio tape).
There is a $35.00 set-up fee plus $2.00 per edit piece
Video Editing.
To Prepare: 1. Number your reels, slides
and/or photos in the sequence you want the images to be recorded. 2. Securely box up your film
(slides should be boxed in a ring-locked carousel tray). 3. Write the title(s) in the
order that you want them to be transferred & place it in the box with the
film. 4. Place your name, address,
phone number and any special instructions with your order. VHS
Tape or DVD Disc Capacities:
Sample: 8mm Film = 50 Feet = 3 to 4 Minutes = $0.15 per/Foot = $7.50 Sample: 16mm
Film = 100 Feet = 3 Minutes = $0.15 per/Foot = $15.00 |
E-mail or call (360) 692-2778 now to schedule an appointment! |